Sustainability at 1.61 Soft Goods


100% Real Leather

Our leather are from cows, goats, and pigs. We do not use any Vegan Leather here at 1.61 Soft Goods. Despite the name, Vegan Leather is far from sustainable material compared to real animal sourced leather. All the leather we use are bi-product of meat industry. No animals were harmed just for the leather production. Real genuine leather products last many many years, and get passed on to several generations with a proper care. Long life cycle products mean lesser impact on earth, choosing a right quality of leather is a sustainable choice in a long run.


Reused Packing Boxes, and Recyclable Packing Materials.

We ship out most of our packages in re-used cardboard boxes. It does not look the prettiest, though by simply re-purposing used cardboard boxes, we are extending its life cycle significantly. In addition, we use recyclable materials such as paper for most of our packaging and packing materials.


Family Heirloom Old Tools, and Salvaged&Repaired Equipments

More than 80% of our tools are second hand, vintage, pass-me-down artifacts. We love and adore all our tools, and cherish the quality that has been serving its purpose for several decades.

For example, the main sewing machine was from Wes’s father, and it was purchased second hand from a local person. The machine is older than us! Stamping machine is from eBay, kick press is from Craigslist. Almost all hammers, rulers, and scissors are from our grandfathers.

We always seek for second hand resource for new tools we need, and try our best to find items that lasts many years.


Solar Powered Run Workshop

1.61 Tokyo Workshop is 100% run by solar power.
So far, we have plenty of renewable energy made from our rooftop solar panels, we sell the excess back to the local power company.